dairy Intelligence Centre
Dairy Intelligence has evolved after nearly 10yrs of development, perfecting the system so that it’s not only totally accurate, but secure and user friendly too. The technology has evolved when one of our directors transferred telemetry from an F1 racing car in 2005 to his ocean going yacht to improve performance and reliability. Since then, and with much investment, the system can work on farm to help farmers improve financial revenues, increase yield, perfect DMI’s, increase butterfat’s or proteins of final product to achieve maximum revenues, and even decrease methane production by 14% at a known calculated cost.
Whilst Dairy Intelligence is exclusively for dairy farm performance, Quintillion help other ruminant and monogastric sectors enjoy the same benefits.
Dairy Intelligence is able to provide better results than other improvement factors combined.
Nobody dares to talk about the biggest problem of dairy farming until now, for understandable reasons, but now everyone can be the first in the world to revolutionise their farm businesses with Dairy Intelligence.
There is more untapped potential between the limits used in ration formulation than others can achieve with new products and new technologies.
Dairy Intelligence are so confident about their offering and the radical differences it makes to dairy farms, that on each farms private and confidential data site, we display a R.O.I monitor that shows the finacial improvements since the start of using Dairy Intelligence.
Not only that, after the inital establishment, fees are calculated and charged quarterly in arrears, so it’s completely risk free. The farmer earns more, not the buyer, processor or retailer!

Our increased performance in yields (+7.5% extra milk, +6.0% extra fat kg and +10.9% extra protein kg) would be ranked in the top 1% among 1044 Dutch dairy farms.
Dutch farms changed many circumstances. New feeds + new feed additives + new limits on ration + new technologies + new genetics + bigger ration + etc etc etc. One thing 99% didn’t do is change to Dairy Intelligence algorithm of ration formulation solution, that actually works, every time. Among 1044 farms, how many bought e.g. robot milking? Where are the better results? At EuroTier 2018 there was no company that showed better results. The same will be at Eurotier 2024! Lets meet up there?
When working on specifics like improving DNA, reducing methane, we don’t charge any more. We will need more information, but then we’ll do the work, and you, the farmer get the benefits, to share with your advisors and consultants, or implement.
Nobody dared to talk about the biggest problem of dairy farming until now for understandable reasons, but you now can and be one of the first in the world.

our services
Dairy Intelligence can analyse any data, from methane production and output, weather, silage analysis, lactation, antibiotics, mastitis to calving %. We then take all the parameters, analyse the history and performance and make recommendations based on the all the variables and how they interacted historically, to give the most optimum solutions, based on your farms particular need, for example: performance, yield, profit, reduction of methane and indeed anything else
(Cost Effective)

Many farmers and consultants assume more milk, more profit, but at what cost? In 87% of our clients cases, this is not the case, and with accurate analysis, many, if they chose to, could reduce cow numbers.
Milk Quality

By analysing all data, the correct dmi and other inputs can be accurately rationed to directly influence and improve herd performance, even taking in to consideration current DNA patterns and usage, compared with historic.
DNA Analysis
(Methane Reduction)

Extremely specialist yet still 100% accurate and reliable. Once we have an individual dairy farms data, we can then deliver strategies for DNA selection.